Product Description
The MedEvac Litter from North American Rescue is the ultimate rescue stretcher for First Responders for use in Active Shooter, Mass Casualty and Disaster incidents. The MedEvac Litter is a lightweight, high-strength, compact collapsible, quad-fold litter that is easy to deploy and carry. Weighing only 13.5 lb, the MedEvac Litter can carry a payload up to 1,200 lb. With a height of only 21.5 in. when folded, the MedEvac Litter is compact to carry and quick and simple to deploy. Available in subdued black/green or high-visibility orange/black, the MedEvac Litter is the most cost efficient, lightweight, compact, durable and easy to use casualty evacuation stretcher for First Responders.
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Hazardous N
Stockable N